- C++ Primer Plus, sixth edition, Stephen Prata.
Class & Object¶
Dynamic Memory Allocation¶
Appendix | 附录¶
Template | 元代码¶
Reuse source code. It generates code for compiling.
- Generic programming(泛型, universal type)vs 范形 model shape. Use type as parameters in class or function definitions.
Function Template | 函数模板
void myswap(int &x, int &y) // only calls when passing in "int"
int temp = x;
x = y;
y = temp;
// T is tyep parameter class
template <class T>
void myswap(T &x, T&y)
T temp = x;
x = y;
y = temp;
int main()
int a=6,a=5;
double c=1,d=2;
myswap(a.b); // right
myswap(a,c); // error, parameters a,c must be the same type
// but if we do this
template <class T1,class T2>
void myswap(T1 &x, T2&y)
T1 temp = x;
x = y;
y = temp;
compiler need to know the type T
if we do not explicitly give varible of type.
Class Template | 类模板
A class declaration.
All the functions in the template are function template.
template <class T>
class vector{
vector(int s)size(s){}
T& operator[](int s);
// definition
template <class T>
T& vector<T>::operator[](int s){
return 0;
Template nest:
vector< vector<double*> >
Template arguments can be constant expresstions, Non-type parameters with a default argument.
template<class T, int bounds=100>
class FixedVector{
T & operator[](int);
T elements[bounds];
template<class T, int bounds=100>
T & FixedVector<T, bounds>::operator[](int i){
return elements[i];
int main()
FixedVector<int, 10> v1;
FixedVector<int> v2; // use default parameter 100
All the content of template should be put in .h
file for they are only declarations. Remember we also have to put inline function and static member variables in .h
STL(standard template library)¶
All the following identifiers in library are in std
This is also called Container(lowercase).
- Sequential
Sequential classes
- vector(variable array)
It is easy to use index to search and save memory
reload p++
means the compiler can identify the type of the variable itself.
for 仅用于遍历全部(range-based for loops)
fixed length, use stack.
should be constant
- list(double-linked-list) It can insert/delete items very quickly.
- others
Deque(double ended queue), forward_list, maps(HashMap)
Cast Operators¶
- static_cast
It is used in basic type/class conversion, (void *) to goal type pointer conversion, child to parent conversion. And it takes place in compiling.
int main(){
int a=10;
double b = static_cast<double>(a); // int to double
class Base {};
class Derived: public Base {};
Derived d;
Base* basePtr = static_cast<Base*>(&d); // child to parent
void* voidPtr = &a;
int* intPtr = static_cast<int *>(voidPtr); // void * to int *
- dynamic_cast
usually used in down cast(see parent as child) in polymorphism.
class Base {
virtual void foo{}
class Derived : public Base {
int main(){
Base* basePtr = new Derived();
Derived * derivedPtr = dynamic_cast<Derived*>(basePtr); // check when running program, better for locate error
cout << "cast succeed.\n";
cout<< "cast failed.\n";
delete basePtr;
- const_cast
means the variable is changable and should not be optimized by compiler.
remove a const variable into non-const.
- reinterpret_cast
used in low class conversion, which is dangerous.