Matrix Calculation
Direct Methods for Solving Linear Systems¶
We focus on solving linear system
高斯消元 | Gasussion Elimination¶
Reduce A into an upper-triangular matrix, and then solve for the unknowns by a backward-substitution process
主元选择策略 | Pivoting Stratages¶
This part is to reduce the error caused by rounding/Truncation error.
We can show that the pivoting element is of great significance.
(also known for not changing the columns)
Determine the smallest \(p\geq k\) (in the same column of \(a^{(k)}_{kk}\))such that
and perform \((E_k) \leftrightarrow (E_p)\).
For row \(i\), let
(if \(\exists i, s.t. s_i=0\), then the system has no unique root. So we assume \(\forall i, s_i>0\))
For each procedure of executing \(E_k \leftarrow E_k - m_{k,i}E_i\) for \(k=i+1, \cdots, n\), where \(m_{k, i} = a_{ki}/{a_{ii}}\). let
perform \((E_i)\leftrightarrow(E_p)\)
Incorporate the interchange of both rows and columns.
Time Cost¶
As we all know the time expense for Gaussion elimination is
LU分解 | LU Matrix Factorization¶
The idea is encouraged by Gaussion Elimination. See that a matrix \(A\) can be transformed into an upper-trianglar matrix \(U\) by primary row operations:
where \(M_k (k=1,2,\cdots n-1)\) denotes a series of row operations. There are two perspetives.
\(M_k (k=1, \cdots, n-1)\) can be interpreted that the \(k+1\) row has to make its column \(1\) to \(k\) to be \(0\). That is,
\(M_k (k=1,\cdots, n-1)\) can be defined in another way as
which is also a lower-triangular matrix. To be proved by readers.
And we can see \(M_k\) formed through the above two interpretations are the same.
If we denote \(L_k = M_k^{-1}\), then apply \(L = L_1L_2\cdots L_{n-1}\) left to both sides of the equation \(\ref{eq: LU}\), then
We know that matrix \(L_k\) and \(M_k\) are lower-triangular matrix(explaned by definition, to be proved by readers), so the product of matrix L is alao a lower-triangular matrix.
So with the triangular matrix, it can be much quicker to solve the solution. See that
First solve \(L \vec{y} = \vec{b}\), then solve \(U \vec{x} = \vec{y}\).
time cost¶
Eliminate \(0.5n^2\) elements, it needs time \(O(0.5n^3)\).
Solving \(y\) and \(x\), it needs time \(O(2n^2)\).
矩阵代数的迭代法 | Iterative Techniques in Matrix Algebra¶
This section, we introduce the iterative thoughts from Fixed-Point Iteration(不动点法) to solve a linear system.
We aim to find a iterative equation like equation \(\pmb{x}^{k} = f(\pmb{x}^{k-1})\). To be more specific, a linear iterative equation like
and its corresponding convergent relation is
范数 | Preliminary knowledge: Norm of Vectors and Matrixes¶
Definition of Norm of vectors
A vector norm on \(\mathbb{R}^n\) is a function, denoted as \(\Vert \cdot \Vert\), mapping from \(\mathbb{R}^n\) into \(\mathbb{R}\) with the following properties for all \(x, y \in\mathbb{R}^n\) and \(\alpha \in \mathbb{C}\).
- 正性 | positive
- 定性 | definite
- 齐性 | homogeneous
- 三角不等式 | triangle inequality
We usually use \(p\) norm
with its common forms:
Definition of Norm of Matrixes
A matrix norm on the set of all matrices \(R \in \mathbb{R}^{n\times n}\) is a real-valued function, denoted as \(\Vert \cdot \Vert\), defined on this set, satisfying for all \(A, B \in \mathbb{R}^{n\times n}\) and all \(\alpha \in \mathbb{C}\):
- 正性 | positive
- 定性 | definite
- 齐性 | homogeneous
- 三角不等式 | triangle inequality
- 一致性 | consistent
Usually we use Natural Norm:
with its common forms:
for \(p=2\) norm of matrix, we have special expression for special matrix:
Sepecial Expression of Norm 2 of matrix
If matrix \(A\) is symetrical, then
If matrix \(A\) is orthogonal(only rotate), then
Jacobi方法 | Jacobi's Method ¶
Here we denote \(L\) and \(U\) to be the lower-triangular and upper-triangular matrix of matrix \(A\) without its diagonal elements respectively. (different from \(LU\) factorization!) And then we denote \(D\) to be the diagonal elements of the matrix of \(A\). That is,
which gives matrix form of the Jacobi iterative technique
Gauss-Seidel方法 | The Gauss-Seidel Method¶
This method sees that a little slowness in Jacobi's Method. That is, for each itearion period(\(\pmb{x}^{k} \leftarrow \pmb{x}^{k-1}\)), it makes use of the generated \(\pmb{x}^{k}_{i}\) in the \(i\)th row of \(\pmb{x}^{k}\) and use it to update the coressponding element in \(\pmb{x}^{k-1}\).
In matrix form, we have
(to be proved by readers)
特征值逼近 | Approximating Eigenvalues¶
幂法 | The Power Method¶
Assume that \(A\) has eigenvalues \(|\lambda_1|>|\lambda_2|\geq |\lambda_3|\geq \cdots \geq |\lambda_n|\geq 0\), we can use the following method to make the largest \(lambda_1\) stand out.
幂法 | The Power Method
Initialize randomly \(\vec{x}\), which can be represented by \(n\) linearly irrelevant eigenvectors \(\vec{v}_1, \vec{v}_2, \cdots, \vec{v}_n\), with parameters \(\beta_1, \beta_2, \cdots, \beta_n\), such that
multiply both sides by \(A\), according to \(A\vec{v_i}=\lambda_i \vec{v_i}\), we get
repeat this process for \(n\) times we get
That is, we can neglect eigenvalues that are smaller than \(\lambda_1\) through multiplying \(A\) and "extract" the biggest one.
To avoid divengence caused by \(\lambda_1>0\), we need to normalize \(\vec{x}^{k} = A\vec{x}^{k-1}\) each step after multiplying. Usually we choose \(\Vert\ \Vert_\infty\).
To get the \(\lambda_1\) out, we can use
to get \(\lambda_1\).
The next question is, naively, how about the speed of converging? Luckily, the question is easy to answer:
rely on ratio \(\left|\frac{\lambda_2}{\lambda_1}\right|\).
反幂法 | Inverse Power Method¶
This is a trick from the Power method. It comes from a question: what if we want to calculate the smallest eigenvalue of a matrix \(A\)?
The answer is, by taking use of metrix inverse.
反幂法 | Inverse Power Method
Matrix \(A\) has eigenvalues \(|\lambda_1| < |\lambda_2| \leq \cdots \leq |\lambda_n|\), then matrix \(A^{-1}\) has eigenvalues
Then use the power method to get \(\left|\frac{1}{\lambda_1}\right|\) out.
Actually, the above method is more often being used in situation where we have known an eigenvalue \(\lambda_1\) (not neecssarily the largest or smallest) of \(A\) is close to a constant \(q\). That is, we can formulate matrix
which has eigenvalues
Then we can use the above method to get \(\lambda_1\) out.